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Training Programme for ASHA
ASHA is the first port of call for any health related demands of deprived sections of the population, especially women, children, old aged, sick and disabled people. She is the link between the community and the health care provider.
Department of Medical and Health at State and at Center is looking at ASHA as a change agent who will bring the reforms in improving the health status of oppressed community of India. The investment on ASHA will definitely result in to better health indicators of state and at large the country.
The objective of National Rural Health Mission is to provide and improve the quality of health services in rural areas. The 8th class pass village residents (womem) were selected for the training program. They would act as an ASHA Worker after attending the entire schedule of the training program.
The goal of the program is to minimize the gaps regarding the availability of health services in rural areas, increased accessibility, availability and benefits of different public health services
Bhartiya Grameen Mahila Sangh is selected as a nodal agency for the effective implementation of the program in Indore district. The organization has been organizing the 5 days residential training program for ASHA workers in collaboration with District Health Department in Jeevan Jyoti training centre, Rau since April 2012. The organization had completed the 1st round training for module 6 and 7 in August’ 2012. 914 health workers had passed the 1st round of training. The second round of training started from 12th December 2012, 662 health workers had cleared the 2nd round of training. Third round started from 4th December’ 2013 and is in process.
Project Outlay
Rs. 16,98,505